Advanced Somatic Therapy and Movement

Phone 614-886-3345

Richard A. Yost, Licensed Massage Therapist


Name: ________________________________              Today’s Date: ___________  Your Birth Date: _________

Address: ______________________________             Male ____ Female ____ Height: ______ Weight ________

_____________________________________               Emergency Contact: ______________________________

Phone  Day ____________  Eve ____________              Emergency Contact Phone: _________________________

Family Physician: _______________________               Date of last physical Exam: ____________________


Problems You’ve Observed – Check if Occasional, Circle Items Which are Frequent or Severe


     Head and Neck                                       Digestive                                           Cardiovascular

___ Frequent headaches                    ___Bloated Stomach                          ___High Blood Pressure

___Neck Pain/Tightness                    ___Constipation                                 ___ Low Blood Pressure

___Lumps or Swelling                        ___ Loose Bowels                              ___ Swelling in Feet or Ankles

___ ________________                  ___ _________________                ___ Leg Cramps

                                                                                                                               ___ ______________________


           Eyes Female/Genito/Urinary                                          Skin


___ Wear Glasses                             ___ Last Period __________              ___ Bruise Easily

___ Wear Contacts                           ___ Lump or Pain in Breasts                ___ Open Cuts or Sores

___ ________________               ___ Pregnant Due ________              ___ Skin Allergies

                                                             ___ Menstrual Cramps ___ Tender Areas on Skin

Musculoskeletal                            ___ ____________________             ___ _________________


___ Aching Muscles

___ Aching Joints                           Male/Genito/Urinary                                      Nervous System

___ Low Back Pain                       

___ Shoulder Pain                   ___ Painful/Slow Urination ___ Difficulty Relaxing

___ Painful Feet                             ___ Nighttime Urinary Frequency ___ Difficulty Sleeping

___ ________________             ___ _______________________        ___ ____________________

___ ________________

___ ________________                     Respiratory                                                     Other


                                                        ___ Asthma/Bronchitis                              ___ _____________________

                                                        ___ Easily Out of Breath ___ _____________________


Accidents you have had – automobile?  childhood? industrial?  _______________________________



Problems diagnosed by a doctor – Circle if currently being treated, check if treated in the past.


___ Broken bones (which bones)       ___ Diabetes                                    ___ Tumors/cancer  (where)

_________________________       ___ Heart Disease (what type)       __________________________

___ Sprain/dislocation (which joint)  _______________________      ___ Tuberculosis

___________________________ ___ Kidney/bladder/prostate ___ Epilepsy

___ Arthritis/Rheumatism                   ___ Stroke/CVA                               ___ Ulcer/colitis/diverticulitis

___ Fibrositis/fibromyalgia                 ___ Sciatica                                       ___ HIV/AIDS

___ Bursitis                                           ___ Hypertension                            ___ _____________________


Check Frequent Body Positions or Movements


___ Standing ___ Stooping                  ___ Kneeling                  ___ Driving

___ Sitting                    ___ Bending                   ___ Lifting                       ___ Other (list below)


Which movements cause a problem? _______________________________________________________


Occupation: _________________________     Sports: _________________________________________


Your Current Problem: ___________________________________________________________________




Are you currently taking any medications? __________ Name: _____________________________________


Do you have a psychiatric illness we should be aware of? _______ Describe: __________________________




Are you currently seeing another therapist? ____________  If so, it is your responsibility to notify him/her that you are receiving this treatment.


Brief summary of psychological, and/or somatic treatments you have had: ___________________________________________________




List any meditative practices you do (yoga, tm, t’ai chi, etc._ _____________________________________________________________




List 3 current positive situations or relationships                             List 3 current negative situations or relationships


______________________________________ ______________________________________


______________________________________                         ______________________________________


______________________________________ _______________________________________



Please carefully read the following information and sign where indicated.  If you have a specific medical condition or specific symptoms, energetic/emotional/somatics may be contraindicated.  A referral from your primary care provider may be required to service being provided.


“If I experience any pain or discomfort during a session, physical or emotional, I will immediately inform the practitioner so that the pressure and strokes may be adjusted to my level of comfort during the session.  I further understand that these treatments should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and that I should see a physician for any ailment that I am aware of.  Because somatics/movement manipulations should not be performed under certain medical conditions, I affirm that I have stated all my known medical conditions and answered all questions honestly.  I agree to keep the practitioner updated as to any changes in my medical profile and understand that there shall be no liability on the practitioner’s part should I forget to do so.  It is also understood that any illicit or sexually suggestive remarks or advances made by me, the client, will result in immediate termination of the session, and I will be liable for payment of the scheduled appointment.  I will also give the practitioner 24 hours prior notice of appointment cancellation, or I will be liable for payment in full. I understand that payment is due at the time the appointment is booked.


Client Signature _____________________________ Date _____________________